
Internet carrier problems shape the experience of your network’s end-users and ultimately form their perception of the quality of the enterprise network you’re providing. Watchdog leverages NTT’s massive network footprint and expertise in network management to let you get in front of problems before they turn into tickets.

Monitor and improve your users’ experience with the most complete real-time carrier and ISP network data ever compiled.

Single Source of Truth Complete geographic coverage of access carrier and ISP network conditions in real-time. AI, data science, a massive flow of anonymous endpoint network traffic data converge into the most accurate general representation of how end-users are experiencing the apps and content. Watchdog enhances real-time network data with predictive network insights like our single view of planned network maintenance outages that impact your network

Bird’s eye view of fixed line and mobile access carriers, ISP, and MVNOs at the regional PoP-level.

Private probes for enterprise network paths like data center-to-branch, cloud-to-cloud, etc.

Lightweight probes, low-cost hardware options, customized alerts, maintenance monitoring, advance probe distributions coming soon

Complete geographic coverage of access carrier and ISP network conditions in real-time. AI, data science, a massive flow of anonymous endpoint network traffic data converge into the most accurate general representation of how end-users are experiencing the apps and content. Watchdog enhances real-time