

User roles for this feature

Admin Co-admin Asset Manager Viewer
Agents View
Edit   (Agent Name Blocked)

Agent Overview

  • The agent page provides many features to enable agent creation, configuration, and management
  • Groups, tags, advanced search, and filter options make it easy to find relevant agents in any size deployment
  • Bulk operations for adding, configuring, and editing agents speed up deployment and agent management
  • Data visualization on each agent page provides robust data visualization of current and time series monitoring metrics and on-demand speed tests
  • The following article describes the available agent features

Agents list

This table shows the status of activated agents

Active Agents

1. Page tabs - View active agents, pending agents, and agent groups.

2. Info panels - Panels summarize the current count of activated, online, offline, and agent types.

3. Date selector

  • Set the date range of the connectivity graphic in each row
  • Agent table time range defaults to the last 48 hours

4. Add agents button - Click to open the add agent modal. See Adding Agents.

5. Search and filters

Search - Click the icon to expand text search to quickly find agents by a variety of agent attributes.

  • Text search supports partial matches and fuzzy logic
  • Queries are limited to one text search. Use filters to combine multiple attributes
  • Combine a text search with one or more filters to create and statement queries
    • Example: Combining search and filters to return all Online Windows agents in Germany returns
Searchable Agent Attributes
Attributes Usage note
Location - Agent’s primary location
- Search by any part of the agent’s primary address like street name or county
- Latitude/longitude is not searchable. Lat/long input as the agent’s location resolves to the nearest address
Agent ID - Agent ID is the agent’s unique identifier - Lowercase and hyphenated agent name appended with a unique six-digit alphanumeric string in this format: “vlan-infra-monitor-agent-rtph29”
Searchable by all, or part of the unique identifier string
ISP - Search by the last ISP reported by the agent
ASN number - Search must include “AS” and all partial numbers
- AS8075 and AS8 is searchable, 8075 is not
Contact email - Search by all or partial email address
- Searching by the email’s domain is helpful to find agents owned by multiple people in an organization
- Exact match filter also supported
Contact name - Search by all or part of the contact’s full name
Unlike the contact’s email, their name is not required when adding new agents. Search by email if the contact name returns no agents
Group - Search by all or part of group name
- Use filters to return agents from multiple groups
Host Device Make - Search by device manufacturer such as “Dell,” “Cisco,” “Apple,” “Juniper,” etc.
Host Device Model - Search by device model: “Latitude,” “C9300L”, “Microsoft Virtual Machine,” “Raspberry Pi4”, etc.
Host Name - Search by all or part of the host device’s name
Local IP (v4 or v6) - Search by all are part of the local IP
- Partial searches are useful to find agents in the same IP address allocation
OS - Search by Linux, Windows, Mac, or EdgeLQ
- Linux and EdgeLQ return cloud agents and static agents on hosts running the EdgeLQ OS
- Static agents running as a Docker container on application-hosting devices do not return the host’s OS and are not searchable by OS
- Use filters to return agents from more than one OS
Public IP (v4 or v6) - Search by all are part of the public IP
- Partial searches are useful to find agents in the same IP address allocation
Serial number - Host device serial number returned by the agent
- Use filters to find agents from multiple tags
Tags - Name of tags
- Use filters to return agents from multiple tags
Type - Search Cloud agents, mobile agents, static agents
- Use filters to return multiple types of agents
Version - Agent software version number like “v3.0.1”
Useful for finding out-of-date agents requiring software upgrade
Filters support exact match. Use the version filter to return agents from multiple software releases
- Example: Combine a group name with the version filter to return all agents in a group with obsolete software

Filters - Click the icon to use filters. Multiple filters create and statements.

Filter Key Operator Filter options Example Usage tip
Email equals Text
(exact match)
Use text search if the exact email address is unknown
Enabled equals True, False
(single select)
- Combine a text search and other filters with the enabled filter create a list of agents to enable or disable.
- Check one of the agents to open the bulk edit footer
- Check “Select All” in the bulk editor
- Enable or disable all the selected agents
Group Contains Groups list
- Filter by groups
- Filter by “No Group Assigned” to find ungrouped agents for editing
Name equals Text
(exact match)
Use text search if the exact spelling of the name is unknown
On/Off equals Online Agents, Offline Agents
(single select)
Filter the by “Offline Agents” to quickly identify which agents are currently offline
OS contains Linux, macOS, Windows
Linux filter returns cloud agents and static agents hosted on dedicated hardware running the EdgeLQ OS. Static agents running on application-hosting devices are not filterable by OS
- macOS and Windows filter returns mobile agents
Serial Number equals Text
(exact match)
Finding agents by host serial number is helpful for when troubleshooting issues reported by systems that use different host device naming conventions
Tags contains any Tags list
Filter by tags assigned to agents
Target ICMP Enabled equals True
Return only ICMP managed targets or combine with the speed test and UDP target filters to view all managed targets
Target Speed Test Enabled equals True
Return only Speed Test managed targets or combine with the ICMP and UDP target filters to view all managed targets
Target UDP Enabled equals True
Return only UDP managed targets or combine with the ICMP and speed test target filters to view all managed targets
Type equals Cloud Agent, Mobile Agent, Static Agent
Filtering by agent is useful for viewing network segments that require a unique agent type such as:
- Public Cloud environments that use cloud agents
- Remote Worker PCs that rely on mobile agents
Version equals Text
(exact match)
Filtering agents by agent software version is useful for finding agents running out-of-date software

6. Pagination

  • Tables support up to 100 rows per page.
  • Pagination controls show the count of items in the table.
  • Filtering and sorting change the count.
  • Use the dropdown to change the number of items shown in the table. Twenty-five items are shown by default.
  • Clicking the right arrow requests the next page of items, and the left arrow reloads items from the previous page.
  • Paginated results load sequentially, and arrows are disabled until the items in each request are loaded.

7. Table Sorting

  • The name and groups columns are sortable.
  • Tables are sorted by Unicode value and load in ascending order (A-to-Z).
  • Clicking the name or group column label changes the soring order.
  • A white arrow will appear to the right of the column label.
    • indicates that the table is sorted in ascending order.
    • indicates that the table is sorted in descending order.
  • Table sorting is a function of the search API.
    • When the label is clicked, a request is sent to the server to return paginated results in ascending or descending order.
    • Advancing the pagination loads the next page of items in the order specified.
    • Changing the sorting order will show that any level of pagination shows the reverse order or that level of pagination.
    • Example: Assume a table has 675 items; 25 items start with each letter of the English alphabet, and the table is set to show 24 items per page.
      • Table loads the 25 items starting with A in ascending order.
      • Advancing to the next page loads the items 26-50 that start with the letter B.
      • Changing the sorting order of the second page will show items 626-650 starting with Y.
  • Unicode characters are normalized before sorting to provide a better search experience. For example, using special characters like “①” (U+2460) in resource names may result in unexpected sorting behavior.

8. Table export and customization

  • Export table
    • Click the icon to export agent record in .CSV or .JSON format
    • Each export outputs the agents and columns visible on the agent table page —-a maximum of 100 agents per export
    • Use pagination arrows to load additional table pages for export
    • Raw API values are exported and may differ from the plain-language labels and values seen in the dashboard
  • Customize table columns:
    • Click the icon to open the table customization modal
    • Table customization is stored in the web browser’s local memory and does not change the view for other users
    • Clearing the browser cache or using a different browser resets the default table columns and column widths
  • Table customization is explained in the following example of adding agent location to the table

    1. Click the icon to open the table customization modal
    2. Find the agent attribute from the “Pick columns to display” panel on the left
      • In this example the attribute is: Spec > primaryLocation > Address > StretAddress
    3. Click the label to add it to the right “Table columns shown” panel
      • The new column label is added to the end of the list
      • Top-to-bottom in the panel equates to left-to-right in the table
    4. Drag to reorder or click the ellipsis icon to open the actions menu
      • Click Remove to remove a column from the table
    5. Renaming can help simplify the API labels
      • In this example, StreetAddress is the attribute label returned by the API. Simplifying the column label to “Locations” might make the table easier to read
      • Click Edit to change the column display name
      • Enter the new column name and click the keyboard return key then click save
    6. Resize columns if needed
      • Adding new columns resizes the columns to the minimum width automatically
      • Hover to the right of the column label to reveal the hidden column border and drag to resize
    7. StreetAddress column has been added to the table and renamed “Location.” Table cells automatically expand to show the full content when hovered.
    8. Table has been updated, and the “best possible” column widths
      • Note that the first two columns are wider when the table is customized
      • This is due to a limitation in the table component, which will be resolved in future updates
      • Restore the default column widths by clicking the “Reset Column Widths” button at the bottom of the modal

8. Agent list

Agent Rows
Column Displayed Value
Checkbox for selecting agents for bulk editing
On/off Online Agent –Agent successfully connected to the controller
Offline Agent –Agent not connected to the controller
Name - Agent’s display name link
- Click through to the agent record to view metrics and information about the agent
Group Group assigned to the agent
Tags Tags assigned to the agent
Serial Number - Host device serial number for static or mobile agents
- VM serial number for cloud agents
Connectivity - Connectivity graphic shows agent connectivity for the dates shown in the date selector
- Green indicates when the agent was online
- Red shows when static, and cloud agents were disconnected
- Gray shows when mobile agents were disconnected. Gray is used for mobile agents because they are expected to be offline when the host PC is not in use
- Hover over a colored section to view when and how long the agent was connected or experienced a connectivity issue
Enabled Agent Enabled, Agent Disabled
- Toggle agents from enabled to disabled
- Enable or disable multiple agents using bulk edit
- This action is also available on the agent page and agent editing modal
Type Type of agent –Cloud agent, mobile agent, or static agent
Target Protocol - Target protocol(s) enabled for managed target agents
- Managed targets support ICMP, UDP, and/or Speed Test target protocols
- Static and cloud agents with target functionality enabled become managed target agents
Public IP(v4/v6) - Last public IP returned by the agent
- Displays the agent’s public IPv4 address. IPv6 displayed if available
- Public IP not displayed for disabled agents
Local IP(v4/v6) - Last local IP returned by the agent
- Displays the agent’s local IPv4 address. IPv6 displayed if available
- External IP not displayed for disabled agents
Location - Agent’s primary location
- Full or partial address shown
- Lat/long input as the agent’s location resolves to the nearest address
Actions ellipsis icon to open the actions menu
Edit opens the editing modal
Delete opens the confirm deletion modal

9. Agent selector and bulk editing on active and pending agent tables

  • Search or filter the agent list to edit the status and properties of one or more agents
  • Click the checkbox(s) to select specific agents, or choose “select all” to edit or delete all visible agents in the table
  • Choose a bulk editing option from the footer menu:
    • Enable or disable agents
    • Delete agents
    • Add agent tags
    • Delete agent tags. This removes the tags from the selected agents. The tag is deleted and no longer assigned to any agents
    • Update group. Add, change, or remove the agent from a group
    • Bulk edit opens the edit agent modal populated with the selected agents. Use this method when editing different agent attributes for the selected agents
  • Deleting agents
    • Deleted agents and all associated agent data are lost permanently and cannot be recovered
    • The agent deletion modal requires the user to enter the number of agents to be deleted and to click the confirm button
    • Agent can be deleted by users with Admin, Co-Admin, and Asset Manager roles. See User Management to learn more about user roles and privileges to learn more about user roles and privileges

Pending agents

1. Info panels - Panels summarize the current count of pending agents, new agents created over the last seven days, and the count of pending agents by agent types.

2. Add agents button - Click to open the add agent modal.

3. Search and filters - Filter visible agents by text search or context filters like Group, Tag, OS, Online/Offline, etc.

Filter Key Operator Filter Option Example Usage Note
Activation status equals Inactive, Invitation Pending All pending agents are inactive
- Pending agents utilizing emailed individual token activation are marked as Invitation Pending
- Use this filter to view or excluded this unique activation status
Email equals Text
(exact match)
Use text search if the exact email address is unknown
Group Contains Groups list
- Filter by groups
- Filter by “No Group Assigned” to find ungrouped agents for editing
Name equals Text
(exact match)
Use text search if the exact spelling of the name is unknown
Tags contains Any Tags list
Filter by tags assigned to agents
Target ICMP Enabled equals True
Return only ICMP managed targets or combine with the speed test and UDP target filters to view all managed targets
Target Speed Test Enabled equals True
Return only Speed Test managed targets or combine with the ICMP and UDP target filters to view all managed targets
Target UDP Enabled equals True
Return only UDP managed targets or combine with the ICMP and speed test target filters to view all managed targets
Type equals Cloud Agent, Mobile Agent, Static Agent
Filtering by agent is useful for viewing network segments that require a unique agent type such as:
- Public Cloud environments that use cloud agents
- Remote Worker PCs that rely on mobile agents

4. Pagination - Tables support up to 100 rows per page

5. Table export and customization

6. Agent Record - Individual activation tokens are visible in the pending agents table. Hover to view and copy. Shared tokens are never shown in the application

7. Agent selector and bulk editing on active and pending agent tables

  • Search or filter the agent list to edit the status and properties of one or more agents
  • Click the checkbox(s) to select specific agents, or choose “select all” to edit or delete all visible agents in the table
  • Choose a bulk editing option from the footer menu:
    • Enable or disable agents
    • Delete agents
    • Add agent tags
    • Delete agent tags. This removes the tags from the selected agents. The tag is deleted and no longer assigned to any agents
    • Update group. Add, change, or remove the agent from a group
    • Bulk edit opens the edit agent modal populated with the selected agents. Use this method when editing different agent attributes for the selected agents
Column Value
Checkbox for selecting agents for bulk editing
Name Agent display name
Click the name to view agent details
After landing on the agent’s page, visit the Agent Page
Metrics are not available for Pending Agents
Group Name of the group assigned to the agent
Tags Tags assigned to the agent
Type Cloud agent, mobile agent, static agent
Activation Method Activation method for the agent
Different activation methods are supported by agent type:
- Static Agents support shared token, individual token, and serial number activation
- Cloud and Mobile Agents support Shared Token and Individual Token activation
Learn more about agent activation methods
Access Token Individual activation tokens are visible in the pending agent’s table.
- Hover to view and copy.
- To ensure security, shared tokens are never shown in the application.
Address The primary or fallback address entered in the agent record. The nearest address appears when latitude and longitude are entered in the agent record.
Actions ellipsis icon to open the actions menu
Edit opens the editing modal
Delete opens the confirm deletion modal

Agent groups

Agent groups provide the highest level of association between agents.

1. Search and filters

  • Search for groups using text search
  • Filters are not supported

2. Create Agent Group button

  • Click to open the create group modal
  • Enter a group name and click save
  • The new group will be available in the add agent and edit agent modal

3. Pagination - Tables support up to 100 rows per page

4. Table export and customization

  • Click the icon to export agent record in .CSV or .JSON format
    • Each export outputs the agents and columns visible on the agent table page —-a maximum of 100 agents per export
    • Use pagination arrows to load additional table pages for export
    • Raw API values are exported and may differ from the plain-language labels and values seen in the dashboard
  • Click the icon to open the table customization modal
    • Click the labels on the left to select additional columns for the table
    • All table columns are shown on the right –top-to-bottom in the modal equates to left-to-right in the table
    • Drag to reorder or click the icon to reorder the table
    • Raw API values are shown for column labels and may differ from the plain-language labels and values seen in the dashboard
  • Use the bottom buttons in the modal to reset the table’s default columns and column widths

5. Group Record - Individual activation tokens are visible in the pending agent’s table. Hover to view and copy. Shared tokens are never shown in the application.

Agent group roles and usage

  • Use agent groups to logically map agents to the monitoring use case. For example:
    • Geographical location: “Warsaw”, “Eastern District”, “APAC”
    • Site name: “Global HQ,” “Data Center 1,” “Manilla Call Center,” etc.
    • Service being monitored/use case: “SaaS Availability,” “Remote Workers,” “IoT Infra”
    • Workgroups or functions: “Virtual Events”, “PeopleSoft DBAs”, “Customer Support Team A”
    • Host device type: “Cloud Agents,” “Cisco Switches,” “Windows PCs”
    • Functional network area: “Access Switch,” “VPN concentrator,” “WiFi Access Points” ^
  • Logically grouped agents enable
    • Filter lists, maps, and metrics to create meaningful dashboard views by
    • Assign agents to a probing distribution
      • All current and future agents in the group will automatically join the probing distribution
      • Deleting or changing an agent’s group removes it from the probing distribution
      • This eliminates the hassle of manually updating the probing distribution when new agent(s) are deployed, or existing agent(s) are deactivated
  • Agent groups and managed targets
    • When target functionality is enabled for an agent, the agent becomes a managed target for other agents
    • Like agents, targets have groups called target groups
    • Because managed targets are an agent and agents cannot probe themselves, managed targets inherit the agent’s group. For example:
      • Agent A is in the “Monitoring Agents” agent group
      • Targeting functionality is enabled for Agent A
      • Agent A is now a managed target in the “Monitoring Agents” target group
      • Changing the agent group for Agent A changes the target group for the Agent A managed target automatically
    • Learn more about managed targets
Column Value
Name Group display name
Click the name to view the active list sorted by the agents assigned to the group
Agent Count count of agents assigned to the group
Actions ellipsis icon to open the actions menu
- Edit opens the editing modal
- Delete opens the confirm deletion modal

Adding and Editing Agents

Create Static, Mobile, and Cloud Agents and enable target functionality as needed

  • Add Agent Modal Click the + Add Agents button on the Agents page to begin adding a new agent
  • Agents are added individually by form entry or in bulk by Excel upload The Add Agent form fields appear conditionally by agent type

Agent configuration

Agent Configuration Inputs:

  • Name
    • Enter a display name for the agent
    • Choose an agent name that logically represents the agent’s role in the network. Logical naming conventions often include:
      • Hosts’ device ID or name: “ac-sw01.sv.ntt.lan” and “ac-sw01.sv.ntt.lan.” for static agents running as a Docker container on Cisco access switches
      • Hosts’ location: “AWS-us-west-2” for a cloud agent running as a VM in that AWS region
      • Hosts’ role in the network: “Access Switch 1”, “Access Switch 2”, etc.
    • Required for all agents.
  • Group
    • Select an existing group from the dropdown list
    • If a new group is needed, complete the agent creation process in progress. Then create a new group in the Groups tab of the Agents page. Select the agent from the Pending tab. Click the actions ellipsis to open the agent edit modal. Assign the agent to the newly created group and save
    • Learn more the agent group roles and usage
  • Tags
    • Select one or more of the existing tags from the dropdown list
    • Type a tag name to search long lists. If that search text does not match an existing tag, a new tag is created and assigned to the agent
    • Create a variety of tags to create more associations between agents.
    • Thoughtful tagging makes it easy to create custom metrics views or automatically add or remove tagged agents from a probing distribution, such as:
      • Service insights: “SaaS Services”, “WiFi Access Points”, “Office365 Availability”, “Genesys Cloud API”, etc.
      • Specific network segments or host device types: “Switch Group A”, “Raspberry Pi4”, “Building: Yamaguchi 2”, etc.
      • Organizational role: “C-Level Access”, “Virtual Events Infra”, “HR”, etc.
  • Type
    • Select agent type: Static Agent, Mobile Agent, or Cloud Agent
    • Configuration fields appear conditionally by agent type selected
    • Required for all agents
  • Enable as target
    • Static and cloud agents support target functionality
    • Mobile agents do not support target functionality.
    • Static and cloud agents with target functionality enabled become managed targets and can be added to Probing Distributions
    • A typical use case is to run meaningful speed tests by deploying target-enabled cloud agents in a data center or public cloud region where critical services are hosted.
  • IP Type
    • Select between External IP and Internal IP
    • External IP allows the agent to accept probing from agents outside of the network. External IP is the default setting and most common use case
    • Internal IP if for agent-to-agent probing within a network
    • Required for target-enabled agents only
  • Target Protocol
    • Select the target protocols the agent will accept: ICMP, UDP, Speed Test
    • UDP and Speed tests require port numbers
    • Required for target-enabled agents only
  • UDP Port
    • The UDP port defaults to 5001
    • Change to use a different port
    • Required for target-enabled agents with UDP target protocol selected
  • Speed Test Port
    • The Speed test port defaults to 8080
    • Change the port number if needed
    • Required for target-enabled agents with Speed Test target protocol
  • Activation method
    • Choose the activation method for the agent
    • Different activation methods are supported by agent type
      • Static Agents support Shared Token, Individual Token, and Serial Number activation
      • Cloud and Mobile Agents support Shared Token and Individual Token Activation
    • Required for all agents
  • Serial number
    • Required for serial number activation
    • Activated agents return the host device’s serial number to the controller
    • Agents automatically onboard to the service when the host device serial number matches the serial number input into the agent record
    • The field is locked when individual and shared token activation methods are used
  • Location preference
    • The agent’s location is discovered through IP lookup. A manually-entered primary location can be used to disable discovered location or as a fallback location when location discovery is unsuccessful
    • Primary locations are as accurate as the location entered and useful for static and cloud agents where the location is known when the agent is created
      • Entering a complete address will place the agent on the agent map view at the street level
      • The dashboard map view clusters agents at the “admin 3” city level
      • The system will resolve the location based on the completeness of the entry. For example, entering only city and county is less accurate than a complete address
      • Latitude/longitude can be entered and will automatically resolve to the written address/location
    • Discovered Locations are less accurate are useful for mobile agents that frequently change location
      • Location discovery uses IP location lookup libraries, which are imperfect. To compensate, location discovery weights the accuracy of the discovered location by a variety of proprietary factors. If the system is unable to accurately discover the agent location, the location “falls back” to the primary location in the agent record.
    • Set the preference for how the agent’s location will be found and stored by the service
    • Supported location preferences
      • Prefer Discovered Location
        • The discovered location if the result meets a moderately-high accuracy threshold
        • Otherwise, the location falls back to the primary location
      • Prefer Primary Location
        • The primary location is used unless location discovery returns a highly accurate location that is different than the primary location entered
        • This is a useful option for cloud agents where the country and city is known, but the exact address is not. Enter the county or country and city as the primary address, and discovered location would be used if it can be determined with a high degree of accuracy than the location entered
      • Prefer Primary Location Only
        • Location discovery disabled
        • Use this option for static agents where the host device’s location is well-known and unlikely to change, such as corporate campuses and data centers
  • Primary Location
    • Enter the partial or complete address
    • Latitude/longitude can be entered and will automatically resolve the written address/location when the agent is created

Agent activation methods

  • Agent deployment and onboarding processes are based on a zero-touch provisioning model
  • Different activation methods are supported by agent type
Agent Details
Agent Type Supported Activation Method
Static Agent - Individual token
- Shared token
- Serial number
Mobile Agent - Individual token
- Shared token
Cloud Agent - Individual token
- Shared token

1. Shared Token

  • Shared tokens provide the option of using a single token to multiple onboard agents
  • This type of activation is useful when deploying many agents
    • Uses shared tokens to deploy mobile agents with endpoint mobile management systems like Intune
  • To ensure security, shared tokens are never shown in the application
  • Contact your NTT representative to request a shared token. They will provide the shared token by a secure communication method established between NTT and your company

2. Individual Token

  • Unique single-use tokens for each agent
  • Individual tokens for mobile agents are automatically emailed to the agent’s email contact with agent download instructions
  • Users can self-install the agent and activate it by inputting the individual Token with no dashboard

3. Serial number

  • Serial number activation is used for onboarding agents deployed to hardware with a known serial number
  • The serial number for the host device is added when the agent record is created
  • Activated agents return the host device’s serial number to the controller
  • Agents automatically onboard to the service when the host device serial number matches the serial number input into the agent record
  • Serial numbers can be edited

Editing agents

Edit or delete one or more agents using the following methods:

1. Agent selector and bulk editing on active and pending agent tables

  • Search or filter the agent list to edit the status and properties of one or more agents
  • Click the checkbox(s) to select specific agents, or choose “select all” to edit or delete all visible agents in the table
  • Choose a bulk editing option from the footer menu:
    • Enable or disable agents
    • Delete agents
    • Add agent tags
    • Delete agent tags. This removes the tags from the selected agents. The tag is deleted and is no longer assigned to any agents
    • Update group. Add, change, or remove agents from a group
    • Bulk edit opens the edit agent modal populated with the selected agents. Use this method when editing different agent attributes for the selected agents.

2. Actions ellipsis on active and pending agent table rows

  • Click the pencil icon to open the editing modal
  • Click the trash icon to delete the agent

3. Agent page

  • Navigate to the agent tab of an agent page
  • Click the pencil icon to open the editing modal
  • Click the trash icon to delete the agent

The agent editing modal shows the complete agent configuration for the selected agents

Agent Pages and Metrics

Each agent has a dedicated page providing data visualization and information about the agent. Reach the agent page by:

  • Dashboard heatmap:
    • Click the agent’s name in heatmap –agent page displays metrics for all monitored targets
    • Click the agent-target cell in the heatmap –agent page displays metrics for that target
  • Agent list:
    • Click agent name in table row – agent page shows metrics for all targets it monitors
  • Probing distribution:
    • Click the agent’s name in the agent list –agent page shows metrics for all targets in the probing distribution
    • Click the agent’s name in the heatmap –agent page displays metrics for all targets n the probing distribution
    • Click the agent-target cell in the heatmap –agent page displays metrics for that target

Metrics tab

The metrics tab shows all available metrics for the agent. Metrics reflect three types of data:

  • Current metrics
  • Time series data
  • On-demand data

Following is a quick reference to the metrics provide by agent type. See the Metrics article for details about each type of metric.

Current metrics

  • View the last reported ICMP and UDP latency, jitter, and loss values from the agent to the selected target
  • Loss is not available for HTTP and speed test targets
  • Metrics are updated every 60 seconds in the time series database. It can take up to two minutes for all agent data to be written to the database
  • Current metrics shown in the bar chart are from the last 60 to 120 seconds
  • Hover the chart to view the value and the date and time of the data
  • Click update to refresh the current metrics bar chart

Time Series Data

  • Data collected after each probing event is saved to the agent’s local storage and uploaded to the controller every minute.
  • Monitoring data is stored in alignment periods ranging from one minute to six hours, depending on the time since it was stored in the time series database. As the length of time since the data was saved increases, so does the alignment period of the data available for retrieval.
    • Data from the last seven days is retrievable in one-minute increments
    • Agent metrics data can be viewed in different alignment periods
    • Plots default to the optimal alignment period for the time range selected
    • Page load speed is affected by the number of targets, time range length, and shortness of the alignment period selected
    • Filter targets and user shorter time ranges to evaluate time series data in one-minute alignment periods
    • Use hourly alignment periods when evaluating a large number of targets over longer periods of time
  • Plots will show gaps when the agent is offline.
    • Select a shorter alignment period to view short gaps in connectivity. For example, if an agent was offline for 17 minutes and the alignment period is set to one hour, the plot lines will be connected. Switching to a shorter alignment period of 15 minutes or less will reveal show a gap in the plot lines when the agent was offline.
    • If the alignment period selected is shorter than the probing interval, no data may be visible in some shorter time ranges. For example, a speed test interval of 1 hour may not show a data point if the plot alignment period is set to 1 hour and the time range is less than an hour.
  • When the time range is changed, the optimal alignment periods are set by default and listed in the alignment window with Auto before the alignment period. Below is a table with the default and shortest alignment periods available for the selected time range.
Alignment Periods from current time
Time Range Default Alignment Period Shortest Alignment Period
1 minute to 4 hours Auto (1 minute) 1 minute
4 to 12 hours Auto (3 minutes) 1 minute
12 to 20 hours Auto (15 minutes) 1 minute
20 hours to 2.5 days Auto (30 minutes) 1 minute
2.5 to 9 days Auto (1 hour) 1 minute
9 to 28 days Auto (3 hours) 3 minutes
28 to 42 days Auto (6 hours) 5 minutes
42 to 62 days Auto (6 hours) 15 minutes
62 to 92 days Auto (6 hours) 30 minutes
92 to 184 days Auto (6 hours) 1 hour
184 to 366 days Auto (6 hours) 3 hours
≥366 days Auto (6 hours) 6 hours

Latecy, Jitter, Loss metrics

1. Latency

  • Measured in milliseconds, latency is the time ICMP, HTTP, and UDP synthetic packet traffic takes to from the agent to the target through the network
  • Latency greater than 150 ms results in poor quality real-time communications (audio and video calls), slow application response, and network degradation that is noticeable to most end users
  • Applications depending on lower latency response times may become unusable during periods of high latency
  • The distance between the agent and target directly affects latency

2. Jitter

  • A subset of latency, jitter measures the inconsistent arrival of packets from the agent to the target
  • While jitter affects all traffic, high jitter is most noticeable to end users during audio or video calls

3. Loss

  • Percentage of ICMP or UDP packets lost for each point on the plot
  • Count of packets lost for each point on the plot
  • HTTP and speed test targets do not report packet loss
  • The loss plot is replaced by plots for HTTP metrics when only HTTP targets are selected
  • Selecting HTTP and ICMP or UDP targets displays both the loss and HTTP metrics plots
  • To ensure plot time alignment and to maintain line color consistency, all target labels appear on the left of each plot
    • No plot line is visible for the HTTP target labels in the loss plot
    • No plot line is visible for the ICMP target labels in the HTTP plots

HTTP metrics

1. HTTP Request Response Time

  • Hover over any point in the plot to view the response code and request response time for each step of the synthetic HTTP traffic between the agent and target
  • Metrics are shown in milliseconds:
    • HTTP Request Response Time is the total time for all steps
    • Connection setup time
      • DNS Lookup
      • Initial Connection
      • SSL
    • Request/response time
      • Request Send
      • Waiting (TTFB)
      • Content Download
    • Response Code

2. HTTP Availability

  • HTTP probing does not return loss metrics
  • HTTP availability for every point in the plot is shown
    • 100% HTTP availability shows that all synthetic HTTP traffic reached the target
    • < 100% HTTP availability indicates the level of HTTP traffic degradation


The Connectivity graphic shows agent connectivity for the date range selected

  • Hover over a colored section to view when and how long the agent was connected or experienced a connectivity issue
  • Green indicates when the agent was online
  • Red shows when static and cloud agents were disconnected
  • Gray shows when mobile agents were disconnected. Gray is used for mobile agents because they are expected to be offline when the host PC is not in use

Path Discovery

  • Path discovery is an optional setting in probing distributions
  • Once enabled, agents send synthetic path discovery traffic to probe all available paths or hops between the agent and the target
  • Click on a plot line to reveal the IP, ASN, ISP, and latency for each hop

  1. Time slider - each dot represents a change in the network topology. Use the slider to see how that path between the agent and target changes over time
  2. Hops - IP, ISP, ASN, and latency for each discovered hop
  3. Zoom functions and progress map
    • Hop visualizations can grow large, as in this example
    • Use the zoom function and progress map to navigate within the visualization
    • To save page space, the window is collapsed for more linear paths. Use the zoom control buttons or keyboard/mouse commands to increase visibility

Speed Test

  • 1. On-demand speed test

  • 1a. Results for the last speed test for the speed test shown in the dropdown

  • 1b. Click the dropdown to show all speed test targets enabled for the agent

  • 1c. Select the speed test target and Click

  • 2-3. Download and Upload Speed

    • Results for past speed tests configured at regular intervals in a speed test probing distribution
    • On-demand speed test data is also added to the time series and appears in the plots

Device Metrics

  • Agents running on the host OS report device metrics.
    • Static Agents for SPEKTRA Edge and EdgeLQ OS
    • Mobile Agents for Windows and MacOS
  • Agents running in Docker containers and VMs are unable to capture OS-level metrics from the host.
    • Static Agents for Docker
    • Cloud Agents
  • Available Metrics
    • CPU and Memory usage
    • Interface Loss Transimit (TX), Receive (RX)
    • Interface Errors Transimit (TX), Receive (RX)

Agent Details
Metric Description
Interface Loss TX The number of outbound packets which were discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
Interface Loss RX The number of inbound packets which were discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
Interface Errors TX The number of incoming packets that were discarded because of errors. Examples of possible scenarios that cause this could be a duplex mismatch, CRC mismatch etc.
Interface Errors RX The number of outgoing packets that were discarded because of errors. One possible scenario that causes this could be a duplex mismatch.

WiFi Signal Strength

  • WiFi Signal Strength is only reported for agents connected to the controller through a WiFi access point.
  • WiFi SSID is captured to improve location discovery.

Troubleshooting Tab

See On-demand Troubleshooting article for details about this feature.’

Agent tab

View summary information, location, and connectivity for each agent

1. Agent details

Agent Details
Attribute Usage note
Agent Online agent, Offline agent
Enabled Agent Enabled, Agent Disabled
Name Agent display name
Agent ID - Agent ID is the agent’s unique identifier
- Lowercase and hyphenated agent name appended with a unique six-digit alphanumeric string in this format: “vlan-infra-monitor-agent-rtph29”
type Type of agent: Static agent, mobile agent, cloud agent
Group Agent group assigned to the agent
Tags Agent tags assigned to the agent
Public IPv4/IPv6 Last public IPv4 address \ last public IPv6 reported by the agent
Local IPv4/IPv6 Last local IPv4 address \ last local IPv6 reported by the agent
Proxy HTTP(S) Agents automatically use the network proxy configured in the operating system when available. If proxy is configured for the agent, the HTTP/HTTPS IP addresses are displayed
Proxy Bypass Proxy Bypass IP address is shown when configured for the agent. Static Agents only. Mobile Agents do not support Proxy blocking
ISP           - Last ASN | last ISP reported by the agent
- “AS3320 | Deutsche Telekom AG”, “AS4713 | NTT Communications Corporation”, etc.
MNO (MCC/MNC) Mobile Network Operator (MNO), Mobile Country Code (MCC), and Mobile Network Code (NNC) are displayed
- “Verizon | (310/004)”
Host name Host device name returned by the agent
Device - Host device make | host device model
- “Cisco | 9300L-48P-4x”, “Apple Inc. | MacBookPro14,3”, etc.
Serial Number Host serial number returned by agent
OS - Host OS returned by agent
- “Window” or “macOS” for mobile agents
- “EdgeLQ OS” for cloud agents and static agents running on dedicated hardware. EdgeLQ is the proprietary Linux OS for the service, and “0.3.8” is the OS version number”
-No OS is listed for agents running as Docker containers on application hosting devices like the Cisco Catalyst 9k Series of routers and switches
Interface Name Host interface name used by the installed agent
Agent Version gent software version number like “v3.0.1”
Activation Method - Activation method configured for the agent
- Shared Token, Individual Token, Serial Number
Activation Token - Individual tokens are shown. can be copied or changed
- See Activation methods
Contact - Contact name added to the agent record
- Unlike the contact’s email, their name is not required when adding new agents and maybe blank
Email - Contact email added to the agent record
- An email is required to create agents

2. Edit and delete

  • Click Edit to open the editing modal
  • Click Delete to open the confirm deletion modal
    • Deleted agents and all associated agent data are permanently and cannot be recovered
    • The agent deletion modal requires the user to confirm before deletion
    • Agent can be deleted by the user with Admin, Co-Admin, and Asset Manager roles. See user management to learn more about user roles and privileges

3. Location

  • The agent’s active location is used for map placement
  • Active location, location preference, and fallback location are listed above the map
  • The agent’s active location is discovered through IP lookup
  • Agent location preference settings provide flexibility in how the active location is determined
    • Prefer discovered location: Uses discovered location if the result meets a moderately-high accuracy threshold - otherwise, the active location falls back to the primary location in the agent record
    • Prefer primary location: The primary location is used unless location discovery returns a highly accurate location that is different than the primary location entered
    • Prefer primary location only: Primary location is always used, and the discovered location is ignored

4. Connectivity The Connectivity graphic shows agent connectivity for the date range selected

  • Hover over a colored section to view when and how long the agent was connected or experienced a connectivity issue
  • Green indicates when the agent was online
  • Red shows when static and cloud agents were disconnected
  • Gray shows when mobile agents were disconnected. Gray is used for mobile agents because they are expected to be offline when the host PC is not in use

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